Mission Statement

Democracy thrives with participation – of that we are convinced at Deutsche Model United Nations (DMUN) e.V. However, this presupposes political knowledge – on current topics, processes and structures – and the competence to deal with it critically. This is especially important for young people. Therefore, we at DMUN e.V. are committed to the field of political youth education.

We are young adults who are enthusiastic about international politics and the United Nations. As a unique institution for international understanding, the implementation of human rights and the promotion of democracy, social progress and sustainable development, the UN are the cornerstone of our activities at DMUN e.V.

Applying the peer-to-peer principle, our goal is to inspire and enable young people to shape the future in a reflected, open-minded and human way. Thereby, political education becomes political action.

In order to achieve this goal, we have been organizing annual political simulation games since 2002, with around 1,000 pupils and students between 15 and 21 years reproducing the procedures of a United Nations conference.

These so-called Model United Nations conferences enable the participants to engage with foreign countries, cultures and perspectives, to take a close look at the United Nations, to train personal competences, and to build networks with like-minded people in an inspiring environment.

With an educational program specially developed for our conferences, we take on our didactic responsibility and offer our participants comprehensive seminars, workshops and panel discussions in various areas of international politics beyond the simulation games.

Our Model UN Projects

As one of two Model United Nations organizations worldwide, we are accredited as a non-governmental organization (NGO) with a special consultative status at the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). We also have an affiliation with the United Nations Department of Public Information (UNDPI). We make intensive use of these possibilities.

On the one hand, to bring the experience of our activities in the field of political youth education and of the encounters with young people into the work of the United Nations. Therefore, we regularly participate in international conferences, where we stand up for innovative concepts of political youth education and to the participation of young people in political processes. On the other hand, we aim at passing on our knowledge and competences in organizing and executing large-scale projects to other organizations by networking and cooperating. Thereby, we are contributing to the success of projects that take our activities as an example.

Our Commitment

Democracy thrives with participation – of that we are convinced at Deutsche Model United Nations (DMUN) e.V. However, this presupposes political knowledge – on current topics, processes and structures – and the competence to deal with it critically. This is especially important for young people. Therefore, we at DMUN e.V. are committed to the field of political youth education.

We are young adults who are enthusiastic about international politics and the United Nations. As a unique institution for international understanding, the implementation of human rights and the promotion of democracy, social progress and sustainable development, the UN are the cornerstone of our activities at DMUN e.V.

Applying the peer-to-peer principle, our goal is to inspire and enable young people to shape the future in a reflected, open-minded and human way. Thereby, political education becomes political action.

In order to achieve this goal, we have been organizing annual political simulation games since 2002, with around 1,000 pupils and students between 15 and 21 years reproducing the procedures of a United Nations conference.

These so-called Model United Nations conferences enable the participants to engage with foreign countries, cultures and perspectives, to take a close look at the United Nations, to train personal competences, and to build networks with like-minded people in an inspiring environment.

With an educational program specially developed for our conferences, we take on our didactic responsibility and offer our participants comprehensive seminars, workshops and panel discussions in various areas of international politics beyond the simulation games.

Our Model UN Projects

As one of two Model United Nations organizations worldwide, we are accredited as a non-governmental organization (NGO) with a special consultative status at the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). We also have an affiliation with the United Nations Department of Public Information (UNDPI). We make intensive use of these possibilities.

On the one hand, to bring the experience of our activities in the field of political youth education and of the encounters with young people into the work of the United Nations. To this end, we regularly participate in international conferences, where we stand up for innovative concepts of political youth education and to the participation of young people in political processes.

On the other hand, we aim at passing on our knowledge and competences in organizing and executing large-scale projects to other organizations by networking and cooperating. Thereby, we are contributing to the success of projects that take our activities as an example.

Our Commitment

Our Annual Theme

The annual theme changes every year (text in German available only)

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The annual theme changes every year (text in German available only)

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Members of DMUN e.V.

We at DMUN e.V. are young people and young adults who are enthusiastic about international politics and the United Nations. In all our activities at DMUN e.V., which is a non-profit organization serving for the public good, we are volunteering. Most of us once participated in one of our model UN conferences themselves. Then we decided to get active ourselves and became members of DMUN e.V.

Here in the association, we decide ourselves in which area we want to engage. The large organization teams of our Model-UN projects are a good way to become familiar with our work. However, direct entry into our engagement at international and NGO conferences is possible, as well. In both cases, we take responsibility in inspiring teams, realize our own ideas and pass on the spirit of the United Nations to other young people.

Volunteering at DMUN e.V. offers many possibilities:

  • Volunteering in diverse team. At DMUN e.V., scholars, students, and young professionals work side by side in a relaxed family atmosphere. Young people of different backgrounds sit at a table and work together towards a common goal.
  • Personal development. Volunteering at DMUN e.V. means learning for life. Due to the enormous variety of tasks you acquire competencies that are in demand at school, at the university, as well as in your job. Furthermore, you have the chance to become an expert in certain areas. “Learning by Doing” – while having fun!
  • Access to international conferences. Being a member at DMUN e.V. enables you to participate in conferences of states and non-governmental organizations around the world. For example, official DMUN delegations visit the annual UNDPI NGO Conferences or the Conference of Youth (COY) on a regular basis.
  • Ground Passes for the UN Headquarters. Being an accredited NGO, we at DMUN e.V. have the exclusive opportunity to apply for Ground Passes for the Headquarters of the United Nations in New York City, Geneva and Vienna. This means that we can also participate in official meetings of the United Nations outside of official conferences.
  • Participation in study trips. DMUN e.V. regularly organizes study trips, e.g. to UN institutions in Geneva, Vienna or Bonn. The focus is on education as well as on fun. Participation therefore is an unforgettable experience.
  • Network for exchange and further education. Members of DMUN are interns at the Human Rights Council in Geneva, attend the German Embassy in Bangkok, and meet Secretary General of the United Nations as UN youth delegates. We learn, study or work in a wide range of disciplines and thus offer a diverse network of potential contacts when it comes to study degrees, internships, other volunteering opportunities and one’s future career.

We at DMUN e.V. are young people and young adults who are enthusiastic about international politics and the United Nations. In all our activities at DMUN e.V., which is a non-profit organization serving for the public good, we are volunteering. Most of us once participated in one of our model UN conferences themselves. Then we decided to get active ourselves and became members of DMUN e.V.

Here in the association, we decide ourselves in which area we want to engage. The large organization teams of our Model-UN projects are a good way to become familiar with our work. However, direct entry into our engagement at international and NGO conferences is possible, as well. In both cases, we take responsibility in inspiring teams, realize our own ideas and pass on the spirit of the United Nations to other young people.

Volunteering at DMUN e.V. offers many possibilities:

At DMUN e.V., scholars, students, and young professionals work side by side in a relaxed family atmosphere. Young people of different backgrounds sit at a table and work together towards a common goal.

Volunteering at DMUN e.V. means learning for life. Due to the enormous variety of tasks you acquire competencies that are in demand at school, at the university, as well as in your job. Furthermore, you have the chance to become an expert in certain areas. “Learning by Doing” – while having fun!

Being a member at DMUN e.V. enables you to participate in conferences of states and non-governmental organizations around the world. For example, official DMUN delegations visit the annual UNDPI NGO Conferences or the Conference of Youth (COY) on a regular basis.

Being an accredited NGO, we at DMUN e.V. have the exclusive opportunity to apply for Ground Passes for the Headquarters of the United Nations in New York City, Geneva and Vienna. This means that we can also participate in official meetings of the United Nations outside of official conferences.

DMUN e.V. regularly organizes study trips, e.g. to UN institutions in Geneva, Vienna or Bonn. The focus is on education as well as on fun. Participation therefore is an unforgettable experience.

Members of DMUN are interns at the Human Rights Council in Geneva, attend the German Embassy in Bangkok, and meet Secretary General of the United Nations as UN youth delegates. We learn, study or work in a wide range of disciplines and thus offer a diverse network of potential contacts when it comes to study degrees, internships, other volunteering opportunities and one’s future career.

You are interested in DMUN e.V. and would like to join us? Contact us by writing an e-mail to info@dmun.de. We’ll get in touch.

Board of Management

Maximilian Ilzhöfer
Maximilian IlzhöferPresident
Emilia Hummel
Emilia HummelVice President
Emily Siegel
Emily SiegelVice President
Mona Bickel-Dabadghao
Mona Bickel-Dabadghao Vice President
Jasper Dannenbaum
Jasper DannenbaumVice President
Miriam Güthe
Miriam GütheVice President
Viviane Ruf
Viviane RufVice President
Lasse Rüst
Lasse RüstTreasurer

Board of Management

Maximilian Ilzhoefer

Annika Seidel
Vice President

Miriam Güthe
Vice President

Henrike Ilka
Vice President

Ingo Heide
Vice President

Jasper Dannenbaum
Vice President

Viviane Ruf
Vice President

Benjamin Ziege

Young UN Network Germany e.V.

DMUN is a member of the Young UN Network Germany e.V., JUNON. JUNON e.V. is an association of different groups of young people who deal with the United Nations. The focus is on research and teaching, German youth participation at the United Nations, and national and international networking of Model-United Nations initiatives (MUNs) and partner organizations.


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